About zoskio

Born in 1973, ZOSKIOdiscovered the hip-hop movement through graffiti in 1986/87, notably with the publication of the book Spraycan Art.
After a few years of honing his skills on the walls of eastern Paris, he joined the CIA group in '92.
From then on, he went wild on the rail network and freeways of the Ile-de-France region... as well as many other "supports".
The excitement of going out at night, the illegal aspect and the desire for recognition were his strength and motivation!
A typography enthusiast, his blok letters and his precision are part of the history of Parisian graffiti.
Through encounters and affinities, he then joined 3 other Parisian groups: MKC in 1994, SILVER KINGZ in 1996 & 3AD since 2013.
In the early 2010s, in parallel with a resumption of his activities on the wall, he began to work more artistically on canvas.
A few years later, he extended his aspirations to other urban media.
First, he created his "Home Street home" concept on metal curtains, then tackled the customization of road signs.
For the past 4 years, as a car enthusiast, he has taken his passion for Porsche a step further, using the hoods of this legendary brand to create unique decorative objects.
A forerunner in this field, several articles were devoted to him in the specialized press.